Kubota, The Answer.
We aim to remain the most reliable engine manufacturer in the view of our customers, able to answer their questions at every stage of business interaction. To this end, we are committed to making full use of our long experience and exercising our ingenuity with an undying passion to make the best possible engine.

Your Reliable Quality,
Our Longest Experience.
We at Kubota make full use of our long-running experience in the DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) non-road engine field, leveraging our accumulated expertise in achieving success and reliability in over 40 different categories of application.
The top engine brand, with technology the world can rely on.

Kubota is the most experienced DPF*1 non-road engine manufacturer in the global market for engines under 75 kW (100 HP).
*1:Diesel Particulate Filter
*2:In below 100 HP industrial engine (internal investigation)

Auto regeneration is available in all use ranges through the control of the DOC inlet temperature.

Kubota has always strived to meet emission regulations across the world. Furthermore, Kubota became engaged in the development and production of DPF*1 engines ahead of other manufacturers, enabling us to lead the way in meeting stringent emissions guidelines.

Your Design Diversity,
Our Widest Selection of Engines.
We offer an abundant lineup of engines through which OEMs can develop and design their products for different end-user needs not only in the EU region but also in emerging economies.
Kubota has a full range of engines to provide the perfect fit for your machine.
Compatible with Kubota diesel engine-equipped machines
Kubota SI*3 is based on our industrial diesel platform. This helps OEMs minimize costs—expanding fuel options or conducting the switch to SI*3 from diesel.
*3:Spark Ignited engine.

Your Customers’ Loyalty,
Our Highest Levels of Support.
Kubota DPF*1 engines have longer ash cleaning and oil change intervals, thus requiring less maintenance.
We at Kubota continue to contribute to your business so as to increase
your customers’ loyalty through our constantly evolving technology.

Ash cleaning interval has been extended to 6,000 hours.*4
*4:Please note that actual interval may differ depending on customer’s usage.

Oil change interval has been improved to 500 hours.*5*6
*5:Please note that further extension may be possible depending on customer’s usage.
*6:Applies to DPF*1 engines listed as Stage V products only.